

Workshop at the University of Montenegro

The WBCInno team from the University of Montenegro organized the Workshop: "Building Researchers Capacities in the Area of Knowledge Transfer, Research and Innovations". The workshop targeted teachers, researchers and students from the universies from Montenegro, but also commercial enterprises and institutions engaged in innovation and knowledge transfer. Duration of the workshop was two days.

At the beginning of first day , Prof. dr Janko Jovanović, Vice dean of University of Montenegro - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, who was delegated by the Rector’s Office, welcomed all attendees, and emphasized the importance of projects like TEMPUS for the University of Montenegro and the higher education community.

Prof. dr Mileta Janjić, contact person from Partner country was the moderator of Workshop and introduced the participants to the agenda and received material.

The first day of the workshop is devoted to the presentation of Collaborative software platform for Innovation Management that has been developed within the project WBCInno, with practical exercises. The organization of the competition for the best business plans, student/research ideas, as well as opportunities for cooperation between universities and SMEs was presented.

On the second day of the Workshop, Methodology for Innovation Management was presented. Participants had the opportunity to hear examples of good practice from Europe and what are the ways of transferring knowledge and technology and management innovation cycle represented at their institutions. Presenters were representatives of partner institutions in WBCInno project from England, Spain, Austria and Germany.

List of Participants
Event Report
Invitation letter


Different ways of technology transfer at University of Alicante
Enterprise Europe Network
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Innovation Ideas Competition for students and university researchers
Knowledge & Technology Transfer at University of Brighton
Methodology for innovation management
Modernization of WBC universities through strengthening of structures and services for knowledge transfer, research and innovation
Software platform for collaboration and innovation management
University-Enterprise Cooperation
Western Balkans Regional University Innovation Platform

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