Lead partner

ukgUNIVERSITY OF KRAGUJEVAC (UKG) - Grant Applicant, Serbia, www.kg.ac.rs .The University of Kragujevac was founded in 1976. Today University of Kragujevac is a modern educational and research center with its 12 faculties located in 6 towns of Central Serbia. In addition to the administrative departments of UKG, other structures that contribute to the development of partnerships and transfer of knowledge are: Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences and the University of Kragujevac, University Information Center, Center for Career Development, Collaborative Training Centre, Long Life Learning centre, International projects office, International Relations office. Among other efficient interfaces with the industry, UKG relies on its Collaborative Training Centre, acts as basic and highly specialized training and services provider to the Serbian industry. In line with its institutional mission, the center offers customized trainings, broad spectrum of services focused on advanced technologies and techniques of rapid product development, coordinates VMnet network (1300 members) and facilitates cooperation with industry.

University of Kragujevac has important role in WBCInno. As the Applicant institution, it is legally responsible for overall technical/financial management, including: coordination of the entire project, chairing the Steering Committee, maintaining contacts with EACEA and Commission, supervision of WP Leaders, final preparation and submission of reports and deliverables to EACEA. UKG will also manage PST/QAPT teams. Apart from leadership of MNGT1, UKG will be leader of DEV2-Reinforcement of existing university structures and setting-up of 5 Business Service Offices. UKG will have substantial role in leading of 9 tasks: adoption, monitoring and tuning UIP by UIP-PC, establishment of 5 BSOs at WBC universities, external monitoring, design/printing/publishing of promo material, design/maintenance of 6 web-sites, preparing manual for contractual/financial mngt, overall mngt, SC meetings and reporting, preparing reports. Besides, UKG will actively participate in all project activities.

Faculty of Engineering Kragujevac (Coordinator) as education-scientific institution with 8 departments, 24 scientific centres and 9 laboratories, takes an active part in realization and coordination of many national and international projects: over 100 national projects, 2 EUREKA, 1 COST, 2 FP6, 8 TEMPUS, 20 WUS, 5 bilateral and 5 EAR.