

The Third WBCInno info day held at the University of Novi Sad

The WBCInno team from the University of Novi Sad organized the first WBCInno Info day on 5th of June 2014. The main focus of the event was to present the results and outcomes of the project and their relevance for the local research community (university professors, researchers and students).

At the beginning of the Info day, Prof. Dr Miroslav Vesković, Rector of the University of Novi Sad welcomed all attendees and stressed out the importance of the transfer of scientific results into innovative prototypes and products.

The next speaker was the WBCInno team coordinator from the University of Novi Sad, Prof. Dr Goran Stojanović. He introduced Agenda of this Info-day to all participants and pointed out the importance of WBCInno results in the process of universities modernization and creation of innovative results, especially in the sense of the focus of the Horizon 2020 open calls.

The third WBCInno Info day in Novi Sad had two sessions. The first session was about general presentation of WBCInno results in order to introduce participants with the progress of the WBCInno project. Prof. Stojanovic presented achieved outcomes within WBCInno TEMPUS project up to now. After that two strategic publications were presented, such as “Strategic Development Plan for Business incubators and Sciences and Technology Parks in Western Balkan Region” presented by ĐorÄ‘e Ćelić from BINS and “Western Balkans Regional University Innovation Platform” presented by prof. Dr Jelena Borocki from the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTS), University of Novi Sad, Serbia (UNS).

In the second session, participants had opportunities to have insight in the idea of this project through four presentations: “Catalogue of research and innovation potential of the University of Novi Sad” (presented by Milan Radovanović from FTS, UNS), “Overview of training courses for researchers, students and companies representatives” (presented by dr Vesna Rašković from FTS, UNS), “How science and technological development are connected in Novi Sad” (presented by prof. dr Vojin Šenk from FTS, UNS) and finally “Horizon 2020 – our chance for funding innovative project proposals” (presented by young researchers Dragana Vasiljević and Milan Radovanović from FTS, UNS).



Katalog UNS - Milan Radovanovic
Horizont 2020 MSCA - Dragana Vasiljevic
Treninzi - Vesna Raskovic Depalov
WBCInno projekat - Goran Stojanovic 
HORIZON 2020 - Milan Radovanovic
Univerzitetska inovativna platforma - Jelena Borocki
Kako su u Novom Sadu spojeni nauka i tehnološki razvoj - Vojin Senk
Regionalni strateski plan - Djordje Celic 


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