Reinforcement of university structures and services

Reinforcement of existing university structures-Action plan - UKG
Reinforcement of existing university structures-Action plan - UNS
Reinforcement of existing university structures-Action plan - UZ
Reinforcement of existing university structures-Action plan - UBL
Reinforcement of existing university structures-Action plan - UM

Study visit to the University of Alicante - UBL
Members of the University of Banja Luka visited the Polytechnic university college of the University of Alicante (UA) in Spain. Cuenca Asensi Sergio Antonio, full professor in control and robotics, and Pablo Gil Vazquez, associate professor, held presentation about the computer vision for robotic systems, and the virtual laboratories and technologies for teaching.

Study visit to the University of Alicante - UZ
Within the Tempus project WBCInno “MODERNIZATION OF WBC UNIVERSITIES THROUGH STRENGTHENING OF STRUCTURES AND SERVICES FOR KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION” (530213-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPHES), activity 2.3, members of EIC UNZE (Prof. Dr Darko Petković, Prof. Dr Malik ÄŒabaravdić, Senior Assistant Mirza Oruč, MA and Lamija Subašić) visited the Faculty of health sciences of the University of Alicante (UA) in Spain.

Tender procedure for University of Montenegro
Within activities 2.3 and 2.4, the purchase of equipment at University of Montenegro (UM) was planned in order to reinforce the existing university structures and services, and to equip the Business Support Service at UM.
The joint tendering procedure for purchase of equipment for UM was launched on March 23, 2015.

Tender precedure for University of Zenica
Within activities 2.3 and 2.4, the purchase of equipment was planned in order to reinforce the existing university structures and services, and to equip the Business Support Service at five WBC universities.
The joint tendering procedure for purchase of equipment for University of Zenica was launched on November 11, 2013.

Tender procedure for University of Kragujevac and University of Novi Sad
Within activities 2.3 and 2.4, the purchase of equipment was planned in order to reinforce the existing university structures and services, and to equip the Business Support Service at five WBC universities.
The joint tendering procedure for purchase of equipment for University of Kragujevac and University of Novi Sad was launched on March 10, 2015.

Workshop ,,Working together for promoting innovation and knowledge transfer in the sub-region“
Prof. Dr. Vesna Mandic participated in Sub/regional Workshop entitled „Working Together for Promoting Innovation and Knowledge Transfer in the Sub-Region“ organized by  the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia and the University of Belgrade  from 15th until 16thSeptember 2014 in Belgrade.

Summer school on knowledge and technology transfer
Prof. Dr Vesna Mandic participated in and successfully completed “Danube Innovation Partnership Summer School on Knowledge and Technology Transfer” organized by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, the World Intellectual Property Organisation, the Centre for Technology Transfer of the University of Belgrade and Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia in Belgrade, which was held in Belgrade from 17th until 24th September 2014.

Activities of Cevip and CTC centers presented on the academlink conference
The WBCInno project Coordinator, Prof. Dr. Vesna Mandic participated in the Conference “Capitalization of knowledge – profit through research”, held in April 2014, in Belgrade, Serbia. The idea of the conference organizer, AcademLink, was to provide solution for three basic problems that science in the Region is facing with: how to provide financial resources for research, how to publish papers in eminent international journals and how to apply research results in practice.The leading business portal in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, e-kapija, has published an article on the Conference. Within this article, e-kapija has presented the University of Kragujevac and its centers (Collaborative Training Centre and Center for Virtual Manufacturing) as a success story, emphasizing the significance of these units for improving the competitiveness of local enterprises.

Workshop “Financial mechanisms” held at the Faculty of Engineering
The workshop “Financial mechanisms” was organized within the ICES project at the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac on Wednesday 23rd October 2013. The main objective of the workshop was to present the mechanisms for financing the innovations in enterprises throughout all stages of the innovation process, as well as current calls and available financial mechanisms in Serbia.

Future of Industrial Business Sector
Local weekly newspaper Kragujevacke published an article on the Centre for Virtual Manufacturing (CeVIP). The article Future of Industrial Business Sector presented this success story from the very beginning, when the Centre was established at the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac.

Successful cooperation of Collaborative Training Centre (CTC) and Centre for Virtual Manufacturing (CeVIP) with the Serbian enterprises
The Serbian newspaper Politika published an article on the successful cooperation of Collaborative Training Centre (CTC) and Centre for Virtual Manufacturing (CeVIP) with the Serbian enterprises. The article Whole Factory in a Computer gave a preview of the centers’ activities and gave several examples how they solve technological problems in Serbian enterprises, develop new products and design necessary tools that are normally too expensive and very often not available.

EU partners visited University of Kragujevac in the period of 27th to 28th August 2013 
In period from 27th – 28th August 2013, the University of Kragujevac was visited within benchmarking assessment activities by EU partners on WBCInno project (UB, TUG, UA, TUHH and ZSI) and on that occasion they were introduced with the activities of the centers and offices at the University of Kragujevac.

Capacity Building Training at CTC and CeVIP centers
In the period from 2nd to 6th December 2013, the Capacity Building Training was organized at the Collaborative Training Centre (CTC) and Centre for Virtual Manufacturing (CeVIP) of the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac.