

Workshop “Financial mechanisms” held at the Faculty of Engineering

The workshop “Financial mechanisms” was organized within the ICES project at the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac on Wednesday 23rd October 2013. The main objective of the workshop was to present the mechanisms for financing the innovations in enterprises throughout all stages of the innovation process, as well as current calls and available financial mechanisms in Serbia. Besides, the Initiative Europe 2020 was presented along with the practical guidelines for EU funds that lead step-by-step through all procedures for elaboration and submission of the project applications. The special attention was paid to the framework program Horizon2020, with presentation of all areas of interest for Serbian enterprises and researchers. At the end of the workshop, in order to attract larger number of Serbian enterprises, researchers and centers and to involve them into future Horizon2020 calls, the CORDIS platform was presented as an efficient tool for searching and establishing the partnerships on EU funded projects.

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