The project management structure is established to ensure effectiveness, decisiveness, flexibility and quality of work. It involves the Contractor, the Coordinator, a Steering Committee, a Project Support Team (3 members) and Quality Assurance Project Team (5 members), as shown in the Figure 1.
The Contractor - The contractor (University of Kragujevac in this case) is legally and financially responsible for administering the project grant, drawing the attention of all partners to contractual rules and to releasing money only for the purposes allowed by contract.
The Coordinator - As the coordinator also represents the contractor, his/her responsibility is to manage, coordinate and monitor the project activities and with regard to timetable, assess achievement of the planned endpoints and coordinate appropriate records of activities.
Steering Committee - Members of the Steering Committee are formally appointed at the kick-off meeting (along with persons replacing them in case of their absence) and usually they are contact persons from each partner institution. The Steering Committee will meet twice a year and jointly review and decide on any necessary contingency measures in reorganization tasks and resources.
Project Support Team - Project Support Team (PST) consists of three members and it provides financial and technical assistance for day-to-day management to the Project Coordinator.
Quality Assurance Project Team - The team acts as a support to the project coordinator in the process of overall internal monitoring. In order to contribute to the efficient project management, the team will develop the Quality control and monitoring strategy.
Site Managers - Site Managers (contact persons) are in charge of local project management supported with their local teams, in consultation with the Coordinator.
WP leaders - WP leaders have the responsibility for coordination of individual WP (with the help of task leaders) and monitoring deliverables and planned milestones related to their WP.
Task leaders - Task leader are responsible for the management and coordination at the level of Activities.