UNS led many European projects dedicated to innovation and technology transfer and ideas commercialization.
Three units of knowledge transfer were established at the university level: an Innovation Center, a Technology Transfer Center, and a Novi Sad Incubation Center as the first phase of the Science Technology Park.
UNS, as a relatively large university in Serbia in terms of numbers of students and teachers/researchers, has started to challenge its ability to not only survive in the wider European university community, but also to develop sustainable, competitive programmes and activities. UNS, as a leader of DEV3, will be responsible for chairing of Regional Programme Committee for Business Incubators (BI) and Science technology parks (STP) development. UNS will , who will elaborate Development Strategy. UNS will also coordinate following tasks: establishing BSO at university, capacity building trainings of BI/STP staff, start-up training courses to students, vocational trainings and services to tenants. In addition, UNS will participate in regional networking activities and communication with stakeholders and media about the project results. Organization of 2 info-days, Workshop, 1 door open day and Final Conference in Novi Sad will be also role of the involved team of UNS.

UZ largely contributes to the development of innovativeness/entrepreneurship in terms of the collaboration with industry with the aim of adjusting its educational system to their needs. It has also developed very successful mechanism of Quality Control in higher education. Thus, its role in WBCinno is very valuable. It will:
- take part in analysis of good practices, mapping of innovation potential at their university and forming/monitoring/tuning of regional UIP
- coordinate the reinforcement of existing university structures/services, as task leader of the activity
- coordinate the forming of Regional Programme Committee for BIs/STPs and participate in all activities related to it
- be in charge of the development of Methodology and software platform/tool for innovation management and networking, especially for its optimization
- coordinate the organization of Info days and participate in all dissemination activities
- be in charge of internal monitoring and local management at UZ level.

University of Banja Luka will participate in the following activities inside this project:
- Design and development of the University Innovation Platform (UIP)
- Reinforcement of existing university structures and setting-up of a Business Service Office in accordance with defined focus and priorities in UIP
- Support to development of university-based Business Incubators and/or Science technology parks
- Development of Methodology and contemporary software platform/tool for innovation management and networking
- Quality control and monitoring
- Designing of dissemination and raising awareness mechanisms and the involvement of public and private stakeholders in Triple helix model of innovation
- Sustainability and exploitation results.
University of Montenegro, Montenegro, www.ucg.ac.me, University of Montenegro is the only public university in the country, covering almost all fields, and with around 21000 students, which is more than 70% of student population. The educational process at UoM is designed according to the Bologna principles as of 2003. All of the aspects dealing with ECTS, DS, academic recognition, computerized follow up of students progress etc have been already implemented. Two first cycles are also fully operational on all the 17 faculties, while third cycle is operational at the half of the faculties. University of Montenegro with its staff has been active in most of the EU funded programmes. Around 40 TEMPUS projects, about 15 FP7 projects, dominantly CSAs have been implemented so far. Many of the projects are dealing with the IT, e-infrastructures, distance learning. As of October 2010, project on the introduction of the LLL at the UoM has started, as a first initiative on institutional and national levels dealing with the LLL concept at HEIs.
The University of Montenegro will actively participate in almost all project activities. It will be responsible for coordination of 4 project activities as task leader (1.3, 4.4, 5.4, 6.5). It will also participate in the analysis of good practices and mapping of innovation potential at their university, as well as in forming of regional UIP and its monitoring/tuning. It will be involved in all project activities related to the reinforcement of existing university structures and setting up of BSO in ME in accordance with defined focus and priorities in UIP. As support to the development of BI/STP, it will be engaged in forming Regional Programme Committee for BI/STPs, elaboration of Regional Development Strategy, as well as in providing various courses. UM will also have an important role in all activities for development of Methodology and software platform for innovation management and networking. Besides, it will actively participate in dissemination, quality control and monitoring.
Business Technology Incubator of Technical Faculties Belgrade, Serbia, www.bitf.rs, BITF was established as partnership of 4 Technical Faculties of University of Belgrade (Civil Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical and Technological), Municipality of Palilula and Democratic Transition Initiative. The project was supported by OSCE based on international experiences and best practice examples.
Objectives :To encourage and support young and educated people in starting up their own business and to keep them in Serbia; To create the conditions for commercialization of results obtained through science/research activities of univ. professors and their associates, by spinning of private enterprises; To facilitate the creation of new Hi-Tech SMEs. Results: 600m2 of renovated business space; 500 students trained on entrepreneurship; 100 young people engaged in Incubator and BITF tenants; 24 small enterprises tenants of the incubator; 14 new technologies/services developed in innovation projects; 5 clusters/networks; 1 service center and 1 project centre developed.
BITF will be task leader for 7.5 - Initiatives for improvement of collaboration within Triple Helix and 8.4 - Local project management at WBC level. BITF will have an active role in the activities such as analysis EU good practices, development of Regional UIP, performing TSNA and market analysis in the region of Belgrade (Serbia), providing trainings for students and BI tenants in the areas of management, marketing, commercialisation of research results; regional networking and internationalization of BI/STP, development of Methodology for innovation management and preparing individual Plan for dissemination and raising awareness activities. Besides, it will participate in Programme Committee for BI/STP development, and in all dissemination activities. Moreover, they will be in charge of organization of the first Capacity building trainings for BI/STP in Belgrade (Serbia), where all partners will participate.Business innovation centre LLC Kragujevac, Serbia, www.bickg.rs, BIC was founded in 2008. by the City of Kragujevac, Regional Chamber of Commerce Kragujevac, Regional Agency for Economic Development of Šumadija and Pomoravlje, Association of Private Entrepreneurs "Šumadija" and General Association of Entrepreneurs "Sloga", as an economic development tool designed to help innovative young entrepreneurs and start-up enterprises from the local community. This coalition of forces allows BIC to provide invaluable services and benefits to its tenant companies and SME sector in general. The purpose of BIC is to produce successful firms that will leave the incubation program financially viable and freestanding, creating jobs, commercializing innovative new technologies and strengthening local and national economy. Through targeted services package BIC offers a unique opportunity for innovative ventures from the early stage of business development until the graduation stage of growth. BIC foster cooperation with the University and student organizations.
With vast experience in fostering cooperation with the University and student organizations especially in developing new programs, transfer of knowledge and networking, business skills trainings and internship for students etc. BIC will be in charge of coordinating activities of internal monitoring and interviews with target groups (as task leader of act.5.2). Their role in WBCInno is valuable. According to its main activities and expertise, it will take part in analyzing good practices, development of Regional UIP, TSNA and market analysis in the region of Central Serbia as directly involved in creating new jobs, providing training courses in the area of their expertise, development of Methodology for innovation management and Sustainability strategy, networking/internationalisation of BI/STP, all dissemination activities as well as local management. Also, Dir. Veljkovic will be member of Programme Committee for BI/STP development responsible for elaboration of Development Strategy.
Business Incubator Novi Sad, Serbia, www.businessincubatorNS.com, The goal of the Business incubator Novi Sad is to help entrepreneurs possessing ideas in the area of information technology and creative industries and transfer them into a successful business concept.
The idea of the Business incubator in Novi Sad is an institutionalized continuation of faculty desires to create new values by developing new products and services, with the help of knowledge generated at the faculty itself.
Apart from the office, conference and common rooms, start-up companies have at their disposal consultants to lead them through the process of creating a new product offering them knowledge and advice in the area of marketing (market analysis, market research, market ventures, development of a distribution chain, communication), sales and finances.
As it is providing services from the area of consulting and monitoring in marketing (development of new products, market analysis/research, marketing strategies, etc), financing of new technologies, BINS provides strong support to the WBCinno project. According to these, it will take part in following activities: analyzing good EU practices, development of UIP, TSNA and market analysis in Vojvodina region, development of Methodology for innovation management and Sustainability strategy of WBC universities, internal monitoring and interviews with target groups, networking/internationalisation of BI/STP, all dissemination activities, capacity building trainings in the region and EU, as well as local management. Thanks to their success in organizing famous Best Technological Ideas Competition in Serbia, they will be task leader for D7.1 - Innovation Ideas Competition for students at WBC universities.Business Service Center of Government of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina, www.bsczdk.ba, Business Service center is special Expert Department of Government of Zenica-Doboj Canton for implementation of business ideas and interregional projects aimed to use modern approach towards business community and to join private business and official development goals to benefit enterprises and economy of the Canton in general. It supports communication, cooperation and partnership between private and public sector. Business Service Center, on behalf of Zenica-Doboj Canton, performs set of activities related to interregional cooperation and provides expert and technical support to local institutions and organizations from Zenica-Doboj Canton regarding international cooperation, realization of projects and issues of general partnership with institutions from abroad. It has 5 employees, annual budget at the level of 300,000 Euro, modern office and ICT equipment.
Business Service Center is in charge of all EU funded projects on behalf of the Cantonal Government and posses both human and financial resources for implementation of this project.
Business Service Centre will actively participate in provision of information on specific solutions in ZDC and will contribute in definition of the indicators that will be used in implementation of the project. In cooperation with experts from Governmental departments, other institutions and University of Zenica will work on project documents, studies, analyses and concrete project activities. It will participate in analysis of EU good practices, development of UIP and Development strategy for BIs/STPs, TSNA/market analysis in Zenica-Doboj canton of BIH, support the development of BI/STP providing trainings for tenants, within Act 3.4 as task leader, development of Methodology for innovation management, participation in SC and RDS-PC meetings and dissemination activities.Intranea Solutions, Serbia , www.intranea.com, Intranea solutions is a modern knowledge and technology firm operating in the field of integrated innovation management. The firm develops and implements it’s original product - DataStation Innovation Cloud, a complete innovation cycle management software-as-a-service.
Key aspects of INT activities, relevant for WBCInno are:
- Improving organizational idea capturing and collaboration methods, together with new product/service/business development practices, project prioritisation, workflow, approval and decision making processes.
- Assessing innovation strategy, aligning priorities and stakeholders, introducing software services and tools to companies’ daily operations.
- Cooperating with Enginexx bvba, a Belgium-based innovation company, Stage-Gate Institute from Toronto, Canada, as well as number of EU experts with large experience, providing maximum organizational value delivered through a combination of highly skilled consulting services and proven collaborative tools.
Intranea will participate in development of methodology and collaborative software platform/tool for innovation management and networking
- D4.1 Methodology for innovation management
- D4.2 Organization chart for innovation workflow
- D4.3 Customized and launched software platform
- D4.4 Trained users of innovation suite
- D4.5 Innovation metrics and monitoring reports
- D4.6 Updated innovation methodology
Intranea will provide it’s expertise in designing an effective innovation management methodology (workflow, data structure, people involvement, action plan) that will be tailor made to project’s needs and specifics, according to global best practices in the field. Intranea will also support this methodology technically by establishing DataStation Innovation Cloud as a software platform to facilitate and implement the methodology. Finally, it will provide documentation, training and support for the users of the software, as well as provide on-going advising on iterative methodology improvements.Innovation centre Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, www.icbl.ba, ICBL mission is creation of future-oriented jobs, based on knowledge and technology, and providing assistance to entrepreneurs in creating successful companies. With the aim of becoming the driving force ofinnovation society in B&H and linking science and R&D to business sector, we are a base of innovation,providing relevant incubation and business development services, as well as market-oriented andprofessional consulting, training and conference facilities.
ICBL Objectives
- Serve as a catalyst for development of high quality SMEs in B&H
- Contribute to sustainable employment and wealth creation in B&H
- Promote technology transfer concept
- Stimulate technology commercialization, adaptation and internationalization
- Promote internationalization of local high quality business and linking local SMEs to global market
- Generating highly skilled workforce
- Promote Life Long Learning practices in B&H
- Contribute to information, knowledge and experience exchange within business
Busines Incubator "Inventivnost", Podgorica, Montenegro, www.inventivnost.me, Business Incubator Inventivnost is established as a support centre for SMEs, where creative and stimulating business atmosphere was made, and new entrepreneurs are provided with adequate growth and development conditions, by providing them with business consulting, technical assistance and educational services together with preferential prices of business facilities lease. BIPG is involved in a number of activities with the goal of supporting start-ups and promotion of entrepreneurship, such as organization of conferences, trainings/services offered to tenants, networking etc. A special attention is given to developing services for innovative entrepreneurs within the incubator and capacities building for fostering usage of ICT in businesses. Currently, there are 12 companies in BIPG. Most of them are ICT oriented, but there are companies that are dealing with intellectual services, marketing and public pole research, production of souvenirs, graphic design, microelectronics.
BIPG role is to support the development of start-ups and entrepreneurship through providing trainings, educational services, networking, technical assistance and business consulting to new entrepreneurs. On the basis on existing TSNA methodology, BIPG will prepare 3 types of questionnaires for TSNA and market analysis that will be carried out in WB partner countries with the assistance of other partners. BIPG team members will assist in the analyzing good practices and especially the forming of regional UIP Programme Committee. It will strongly support and take an active part in all activities directed towards the development of university-driven BIs/STPs. Members of BIPG team will attend all dissemination events and participate in the organization of Innovation Ideas Competition. Internal monitoring and local management at the level of their Incubator will also be their responsibility.