

Kick-off meeting Belgrade

The Kick-off meeting of the Tempus project WBCInno was held in Belgrade on December 18th and 19th, 2012. The representatives from 14 partner institutions attended this event, where they had an opportunity to discuss the project objectives and results, financial and technical implementation, responsibilities of project partners, etc.

At the first day of the meeting, the project partners were greeted by the project coordinator Prof. Dr. Vesna Mandic, who also presented the project itself, its overall and specific objectives, and expected results. The participants were also greeted by the Manager of Tempus Office in Serbia, Mrs. Marija Filipović-Ožegović, after which they briefly presented their institutions to the Consortium.

The introductory part was followed by WPs presentation Session, when the WP leaders presented their Workpackages and gave an insight to the activities included in the WP, their duration and task leaders for each activity. They also presented deliverables that should be produced during each workpackage along with the deadlines for their delivery.

In the afternoon session, the representatives of the project institutions voted for the WBCInno management structures, i.e. for the members of Steering Committee (SC), Project Support Team (PST) and Quality Assurance Project Team (QAPT).

Large part of this session was dedicated to the presentation of the Manual for financial and contractual management, during which the practical implementation of Tempus rules was discussed and analyzed.

At the end of the first day, project partners analyzed and adopted the Action plan per WPs for six-month period.
The second day of this event was organized as Workshop session, where EU partner institutions presented the models and mechanisms for knowledge transfer, research and innovation. After individual meetings and consultations, the event was officially closed.

List of participants - Kick of meeting
List of participants - Workshop
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