

Fifth Info day organized by University of Montenegro

The WBCInno team from the University of Montenegro organized the fifth WBCInno Info day. The main focus of the event was to present the results and outcomes of the Project and their relevance for the local research community (university professors, researchers and students).

At the beginning of the Info day, Prof. dr Janko Jovanović, Vice dean of University of Montenegro, who was delegated by the Rector’s Office, welcomed all attendees, and emphasized the importance of projects like TEMPUS for the University of Montenegro and the higher education community.

Prof. dr Mileta Janjić, contact person from Partner country was the moderator of Info day and introduced the participants to the agenda and received material.

The fifth WBCInno Info day at University of Montenegro had two sessions.

In the first section, prof. dr Mileta Janjić introduced the participants to the general achievements of the WBCInno project and the University Innovative Platform. Knežević Tatjana had a presentation that was aimed at promoting the research capacity of the University and presented a Catalogue on Research and Innovation Potential of University of Montenegro.

In the second section, Velibor Bošković introduced the participants to the Strategic Development Plan for Business Incubators and Science and Technology Parks in Western Balkan Region, and about first Science and Technology Park in Montenegro. After that Tatjana Knežević was presented the importance of evaluation in research and innovation - EVAL-INNO project: Evaluation of the program voucher scheme for small and medium enterprises. At the end Ljiljana Belada was presented opportunities for cooperation between universities and small and medium enterprises.

After both sections were intensive discussions in which participants asked questions and provide comments.

List of participants
Event report
Invitation letter

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