Competition at the University of Novi Sad

Final local competition for best student idea at University of Novi Sad
The local final Competition for best student idea was held on May 27th, 2015 at the University of Novi Sad. Expert jury selected winners from seven finalists and based on their seven minutes presentations and short interviews. The highest score and the title of the best student idea at the University of Novi Sad belongs to team “Creative Lab” with the idea of establishment the mini brewery.
Media reporting of final local competition:
OradiO - News about final local competition for best student idea at University of Novi Sad
OradiO - Mini brewery on the OradiO

Video presentation

Within the Competition, the following trainings were organized for the participants from the University of Novi Sad (MODULE 1)
  1. Business model development (CANVAS)
  2. Business model validation
  3. Finance for start-ups 
  4. Elevator pitch


Flajer - prednja strana
Flajer - zadnja strana

Advertising of the competition

Fakultet edukacija - (PDF news)
Faculty of Technical Science in Novi Sad - (PDF news)
Infopolis - (PDF news)
Mreza kreativnih ljudi
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Najstudent - (PDF news)
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Netkafa - (PDF news)
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Radio Televizija Vojvodine - (PDF news)
Studentski zivot - (PDF news)
Master - (PDF news
Newsburinanet - (PDF news
Faculty of Science Novi Sad - (PDF news)
Studentski vodič - (PDF news)

Training for business incubator representatives held in BITF Belgrade
Within the preparation of local Competitions for best student ideas, Business Incubator Novi Sad and Business Incubator of Technical Faculties Belgrade organized two-day training for trainers and Competition organizers in Belgrade on 27th and 28th January 2015.