

The first training for participants in Competition for the best student idea at the University of Novi Sad

The participants of the Competition for best student idea from the University of Novi Sad attended their first training organized within the Competition. The training Development of Business Model was organized on April 2nd, 2015 by the Business Incubator in cooperation with Business Support Office. Trainees from University of Novi Sad had an opportunity to learn more about first steps in development of business models for their ideas. After the introductory motivational part about developing an idea into business opportunity, the trainees learned more about the Canvas method, and some practical steps in its application on ideas submitted within the Competition. Moreover, participants of the training were developing their ideas into a business plan using the Canvas method. The aim of the training was to bring their ideas to the quality and successful business plan from several iterations by using all segments of Canvas methods. The aim of the training was to bring their ideas to the quality and successful business plan, from several iterations by using all segments of Canvas methods.

Agenda - 26.03.2015
List of participants - 26.03.2015.
Presentation - 26.03.2015.

Agenda - 02.04.2015.
List of participants - 02.04.2015.

Presentation - 02.04.2015.

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