Improvement of the UNI regulatory documents

Final version of the report on Roles and Responsibilities

Improvement of Regulatory Documents and Processes at WBC Universities

Regulatory Documents and Processes at WBC Universities - UKG
Regulatory Documents and Processes at WBC Universities - UNS
Regulatory Documents and Processes at WBC Universities - UZ
Regulatory Documents and Processes at WBC Universities - UBL
Regulatory Documents and Processes at WBC Universities - UM 

Analysis of Existing Regulatory Documents and Processes at WBC Universities
Within the activity Act 2.5 Improvement of the university regulatory documents and procedures, detailed analysis of universities regulatory documents was conducted. The analysis was conducted at five WBC universities (University of Kragujevac, University of Novi Sad, University of Zenica, University of Banja Luka, University of Montenegro) in the areas of knowledge and technology transfer, research and innovations. As the result, five documents were elaborated with the following structure:

  1. Introduction – defining the aim of this analysis
  2. Review of regulations according to the types of knowledge and technology transfer
  3. Current regulations, including procedures, that partially or completely define scientific work and some of the segments of knowledge and technology transfer.

Analysis of Existing Regulatory Documents and Processes - UKG
Analysis of Existing Regulatory Documents and Processes - UNS
Analysis of Existing Regulatory Documents and Processes - UZ
Analysis of Existing Regulatory Documents and Processes - UBL
Analysis of Existing Regulatory Documents and Processes - UM

The documents are available only to the Consortium members on WBCInno platform: 

Efficient tool for project communication and management
The presentation of WBCInno platform was organized on 25th October 2013 at the University of Kragujevac. The aim was to present the WBCInno platform as efficient tool for project communication and management, both technical and financial.
Procedure for selection of external expert
Within WBCInno project, an efficient procedure for selection of external expert was established within the TEMPUS projects coordinated by University of Kragujevac. On the occasion, the procedure for procurement along with standard documentation was developed:

• Call
• Terms of Reference
• Criteria for selection of an external expert
• Standard Report
• Standard Contract and
• Other tender documentation
Having in mind that University of Kragujevac is implementing 38 Tempus project, developed procedures and documents will be very useful for current and future EU project.