

WBCInno project promotion at Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica

On Thursday and Friday, 3rd and 4th April 2014, the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zenica organized the Fifth international scientific and expert conference „Cultural identity in the digital era“. The Conference was held in Dubrovnik Hotel in Zenica.

On the first day of the Conference, within the opening ceremony, WBCInno Project was introduced. An emphasis was put on the fact that this project had started for almost a year and a half ago, and UNZE was a project partner from the beginning. Also, it was pointed out that WBCInno tried to contribute to the modernization of the universities in the Western Balkans through the strengthening of the management structures and services for cooperation with the world of business, in the areas of knowledge transfer, research and innovation, which in turn had the ultimate goal of creating strong entrepreneurial universities and innovative region.

Among many goals of WBCInno Project, these were singled out: establishment of Regional University Innovation Platform and five business support offices at WBC partner universities, reinforcement of ten WBC universitiy units/centers, development of a Regional strategy for business incubators and science-technology parks and Methodology for innovation management, and establishment of innovation management software platform.  

Also, this was an excellent opportunity to present for the first time an electronic version of the “Catalogue on Research and Innovation Potential of the University of Zenica”, which will be printed in the next few days, and afterwards, presented on Tuesday, 15 April 2014, within the WBCInno Info Day, at the University of Zenica.


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