

WBCInno project presented at the conference “Towards 2020: New Horizons for RTD and Innovation in the Western Balkan Region”

On 27th and 28th March 2014 in Vienna, the Final Conference and Brokerage Event “Towards 2020: New Horizons for RTD and Innovation in the Western Balkan Region” were organized by the Center for Social Innovation within the WBC-INCO.NET FP7 project. More than 200 researchers and representatives of European Commission and ministries of education and science from countries in the region participated in the Conference. On this occasion, the achievements of WBCInno project were presented, especially the strategic documents developed within the Consortium

Prof. Dr. Vesna Mandic participated as a discussant in the realization of the Workshop “Knowledge and Technology Transfer”. Four topics of this workshop were aimed at presentation of different models of KTT activities as good practices from Germany and Austria, as well as two presentations of innovation system of one WBC country, FYR of Macedonia.

The first presentation of Mr. Jonathan Loeffler, Managing Director of the Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum in Karlsruhe, was about capacity building activities of the center in innovation and technology transfer in the Danube region and presentation of its results within two projects “Danube Transfer Centre Network” and “NoGAP”.

Best practice in technology transfer at Vienna University of Technology was presented by Ms. Eva Bartlama, Deputy Head of Department of Research- and Transfer support Vienna University of Technology in its whole cycle from the very start of R&D cooperation between TUW and companies, via creation inventions and its commercialisation as start-up business in framework of protected internal interests.

Current situation in innovation system of FYR of Macedonia, focusing on IP policy, problems in technology transfer and patenting was presented by Prof. Dr. Bratislav Stankovic, University for Information Science & Technology “St. Paul the Apostle”, FYR of Macedonia. Prof. Stankovic concluded his presentation with new Superhelix model of innovation.

South East Europe Centre from Greece was also involved in self-assessment of FYROM innovation system with goal to provide baseline for developing RIS3 Smart Specialisation Strategy. Lessons learned from this exercise were presented by Center’s Director Mr. Nikos Zaharis.


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