

Visit to the Belgrade Venture Forum

Within the activity 2.3 Reinforcement of University structures and services, the member of WBCInno team Mr. Žarko Gavrilović and the representative of Student organization of the faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac, Stefan Đurić, attended the first day of the Belgrade Venture Forum, that was organized on 5th - 7th November 2014, in the hotel Metropol Palace, Belgrade. The idea of the visit was to understand the BVF presentation concept in order gather information useful for the development of the Methodology for the forthcoming competition within WBCInno project (Act7.2 Innovation Ideas Competition).

The participants of the Forum were welcomed by Michael Davenport (Head of the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Serbia), Željko Sertić (Minister of Economy), David Krzywda (Economic Counselor at U.S. Embassy), etc.

The slogan of the BVF was “Innovations for the world” and it gathered more than 30 innovative projects, as well as some of the best international and national companies, such as Microsoft, Samsung, IBM, Erste banka, Coca cola, Bambi, SBB, etc. Also, many investors who support the development of entrepreneurship in Serbia were present.


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