

The Open Door Day was organized at the University of Kragujevac

The Open Door Day was organized at the University of Kragujevac on May 18, 2015. In the organization of this event two University units were engaged, the Centre for the Career Development and Student Counseling, and Business Support Office. One of the aims of this event was to present the studying opportunities at the University for secondary school pupils as well as the master and PhD students. All twelve faculties of the University of Kragujevac participated and at their info desks the visitors could receive valuable information about each faculty and get info materials and brochures.

Besides these, the research and innovation potential of the University was presented. The total of 28 centers, laboratories and research groups from several faculties of the University of Kragujevac were promoted. The visitors could learn more about their research and innovative work, achievements and possibilities for development of their careers during and after their studies.

The special part of the Open Door Day was dedicated to the promotion of WBCInno project, particularly the activity Competition for Best Student Ideas. At the WBCInno info desk, the visitors could learn more about the Competition, teams who applied and awards for the best ideas.

Within the Open Door Day, all interested visitors could also visit the University Library, and during the event the students of Faculty of Philology and Arts had their music and dance performance.

Poster - Open door days
Poster - Competition or best studen idea
Poster - WBCInno
Presentation - Competition for best student idea

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