

Round Table on Youth Entrepreneurship in Serbia held within JobFair 2013

BITF participated the Round Table on Youth Entrepreneurship in Serbia held within JobFair 2013 that was held on November 5, 2013 at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. JobFair is organized annually since 2004 by students volunteers of technical faculties of University of Belgrade, with a vision - reducing unemployment among young people, providing the highest quality staff to employers and to establish better communication between the education system, companies operating in the country and students.

The participants to the Round Table were representatives of established companies already doing business for years in Serbia, next to the members of young, just founded entrepreneurships, professors, and students engaged in this field. Representatives of each of the target groups made part of smaller discussion panel within which a new business idea has been developed, while the attendants were in position to gain insight in the way of thinking of their colleagues around the table, as well as on common ground where they could achieve co-operation with mutual benefits.

The ideas on what the mentioned business plans were based on were chosen among the submission forms sent by students, while the applicants attended the Round Table and participated in the group discussions. Following the presentations of designed business plans, joint discussion held place with the jury consisted of representatives of organizations and BITF, which have already been involved for a long time with the issues in question. The objective of the Round Table was to promote the idea of youth entrepreneurship, but also to create diverse platforms where different actors could gain insight into possibilities and potentials of further co-operation by participating in a debate. Through this short alternated concept of the round table an introduction to the deeper narrative that only arises in our country in the moment and that emphasizes creation of own businesses as one of the major ways of employment for young educated people in the area of high technologies, with all the support available through Business technology incubator of technical faculties in Belgrade.

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