

Participation at the Meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries in Zagreb, Croatia

On behalf of the WBCInno Project Consortium, Prof. Dr. Vesna Mandić participated at the 15th Meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries, held on 11th and 12th December 2013 in Zagreb, Croatia. The event was organized by the European Commission and Research Directorate-General,  Lithuanian Presidency and Ministry of Science, Education and Sports in Croatia, with the support of platform. On that occasion, WBCInno project was presented as well as its achieved results, current activities and plans for developing strategic regional documents in the area of knowledge transfer, research and innovations. The main topic of the Steering Platform Meeting was just opened HORIZON 2020, as well as COST, UNESCO and IPA II programmes. Additionally, major regional policy documents, programmes and initiatives were presented and discussed, among which are: Regional R&D Strategy for Innovation” (World Bank), South East European 2020 Strategy – Pillar “Smart Growth” (Regional Cooperation Council), Danube Regional Research Fund and others. Upon the invitation of the organizers, WBCInno project will be presented again at the special session of the Final Conference of, that will be held in Vienna from 27th to 28th March 2014.


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