

Improvement of competitiveness of Serbian enterprises through technology transfer and support to innovations

Newly established Science and Technology Park ÄŒačak organized an event on November 26th, within its regular activities. The main objective of this event was to establish the links between academic and industrial sectors through presentation of various models of cooperation. With that aim, representatives of local authorities and enterprises were invited to take part, and the opening speech was held by the mayor of the town of ÄŒačak, who  expressed the necessity to support this kind of actions with the aim of reviving the local industry. WBCInno project members from University of Kragujevac were also invited to present their Catalogue on Research and Innovation Potential of University of Kragujevac as the example of good practice. Through the Catalogue presentation, the present participants were introduced with the Catalogue idea, its significance for the academia-industry partnerships and many opportunities it can offer to boost innovativeness and competitiveness of Serbian industry.



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