

ETF Workshop „Torino Process 2014 in Bosnia and Herzegovina“

On 18th November 2014, representatives of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center of UNZE participated in the workshop about vocational education, held in Hotel Termag on Jahorina Mountain (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Also, representatives of the academic community, relevant ministires (including the Ministry of civil affaires and the Council of ministers), directors and professors from high schools were present and discussed models of vocational education in high schools (so-called Torino Process). After introductory presentations of project consortium members (Marija Naletilić, Ian Hume, Dušan Sarajlić) and the Ministry of civil affaires (Ms. Vesna Puratić), a fruitful discussion was led about models of enhancement of high school graduates’ knowledge and competences, which should be adjusted to the labour market needs. Also, these graduates should be educated well enough to continue to the university study.    

On behalf of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center of UNZE, Professor Dr Darko Petković presented WBCInno Project and emphasized the importance of development and implementation of Triple Helix model, and as well, its impact on the student population. He pointed out the need and significance of establishing the specialized training centers for education of high school students; thđese centers could be developed within the technology parks or development agencies, and should serve both, the academic community and high schools regarding the practical part of teaching process.

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