

Creating team for a new venture

Within WBCInno project, a training course, titled „Creating team for a new venture“, was held on Thursday, 10 December 2015, from 14 to 18 hrs, in the Multimedia Center of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center of UNZE.

The lecturer was Mr. Drago Gverić from the Innovation Center in Banja Luka (ICBL). This training dealt with the following topics: 1. A process of creating a team for new ventures, 2. Steps (planning, staffing, training, assessing the results and advancing), 3. Needs: competences and motivation, and 4. Actions: behaviour and results.

At the same time, this was the last training, within the activities of the third Work package which were designed for creating the preconditions to support development of university-driven business incubators and science & technology parks.

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