


The University of Banja Luka organized the Second WBCInno Infoday on 15th of December 2015. The main propose of the second Infoday was to promote the WBCInno project, its activities and achieved results, and to promote the Catalogue on research and innovation potential of the University of Banja Luka.
Prof. dr Petar Maric, coordinator of the WBCInno at the University of Banja Luka, presented the WBCinno project and said that the project is focused on transfer of knowledge, research and innovation, and its aim of making available research results to the business community. Prof. Maric stated that 5 BSO offices developed, maintain and promote 5 on line Catalogues on research and innovation potential of the WBC universities. Beside the Univeristy of Banja Luka, the Catalogue was developed by the University of Kragujevac, University of Novi Sad, University of Zenica, and University of Montenegro.
Later on, the participants were greeted by prof. dr Milan Mataruga, vice-rector for science and research work and development of the Univeristy of Banja Luka. Prof. Mataruga stated that the participation in the WBCInno project and mapping available equipment for science and research at the University, is just one of the activities of the University in the previous period with the aim of development, improvement and promotion of science and research work and innovation. The University was awarded with HR excellence in research logo. Also, the University adopted Rules in accordance with the EC directives, improved publishing activities at the University, organized several info days about Horizon 2020, transfer of knowledge and technologies etc.
Prof. dr Tatjana Pesic-Brdjanin presented the activities that University of Banja Luka realized within the project and the Catalogue on research and innovation potential of the University of Banja Luka. Also, prof. Pesic-Brdjanin explained the process and activities which led to the development of the software platform for innovation management, organisation of competition for best student ideas.
At the end of the Infoday, Milena Ljubicic, project manager at the University entrepreneurship centre, presented the on-going and planned activities of the centre.

Invitation letter
List of participants


Univerzitetski Preduzetnički Centar
WBCInno projekat - Prezentovljanje ostvarenih rezultata
Katalog istraživačkih i inovacionih potencijala Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci

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