2nd info day at the University of Montenegro
The WBCInno team from the University of Montenegro organized the second WBCInno Info day. The main focus of the event was to present Competition for the best students idea to the university professors, researchers, students and employed in business enterprises.
Info day was held within the Conference of the maintenance and production engineering KODIP 2015 in the Hotel " Slovenska plaža " in Budva.
At the beginning of the Info day, Prof. dr Miodrag Bulatović, president of Organizing Committee of the Conference, welcomed all attendees, and emphasized the importance of projects like TEMPUS for the University of Montenegro and the higher education community.
Prof. dr Mileta Janjić, contact person from Partner country was the moderator of Info day and introduced the participants to the agenda and received material.
Info day had three presentations that presented prof. dr Mileta Janjić:
1. The competition for the best student idea
2. Calendar of competition for the best student idea,
3. Instructions for use UMINNO platform
In the first presentation, participants were introduced to the Competition for the best student idea. In the second presentation shows the competition calendar, presented all the accepted ideas, the trainings, as well as five high-rated ideas that will compete in the local finals. The third presentation was presented the University innovative platform for managing with innovations and instructions for its use.
List of participants
Invitation letter
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