Within the activities of the Tempus project “WBCInno - Modernization of WBC universities through strengthening of structures and services for knowledge transfer, research and innovation” (530213-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPHES), the visit to the Technical University Graz (TU Graz), more precisely to its Institute of production engineering (Institut für Fertigungstechnik – IFT), was organized. Delegation of CIP/EIC was consisted of persons who have participated in WBCInno project for the past two years, and as well, of students who won the best student business idea competition. Director of IFT, Prof. Dr Franz Haas, welcomed the guests, and in his introductory speech presented this renowned Institute, and than, he showed them the laboratories. After this tour, Prof. Dr Haas open a disscusion about the potential cooperation, and as well, about the specific RDI topics which are currently in the Institute’s focus.
We would like to thank to Prof. Dr Haas and IFT for enabling us to use the IFT’s classrooom to perform training for our students. Namely, during this visit to TU Graz, on Thursday and Friday, 19 and 20 November 2015, three trainings were held; first two, held on the first day, dealt with the topics of entrepreneurship and business plans, and the third was about the feasibility study, and it was held during the second day of our visit to the University. The lecturers were Prof. Dr Darko Petković, Prof. Dr Malik Čabaravdić and Assist. Prof. Dr Fuad Hadžikadunić.
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