Collaborative software platform for innovation management

User manual for Inno platform

In order to enhance innovation culture within scientific community in WBC universities and to facilitate development of ideas of students and researchers, as well as to match them with financial facilitators, within WBCInno project it was planned to develop web-based collaborative platform for innovation management. The Platform tends to provide the centralized and efficient innovation process from concept documenting, idea generation and management, through new product/service development, until market success. Additionally, it supports collaboration and networking among participants from universities and business.

The software solution for such innovation management platform was developed by Intranea Solutions, one of the partners on WBCInno project. Since 2007, this company deals with DataStation Platforms [7] specially targeted to business world, both small and large companies. Within this project, for the first time, DataStation platform will be modified and customized to fit the needs of innovation management at academic institutions (universities in Western Balkans Region) and their linking with business incubators and science and technology parks. For that reason, the cross-functional stakeholders, from education, research and business have been involved in the development of the platform.

DataStation Software platform is based as SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) and serviced online via Cloud technology. That means that all data is kept online, at all times accessible and available to each delegated user via web browser and Internet. It provides users of the platform with friendly online environment on which they can post and develop their ideas, launch projects and start a business. Due to the specific platform design, it allows the users to communicate, collaborate and coordinate efficiently all activities.

The Innovation Management Platform supports whole innovation cycle, from idea management, through project monitoring all the way to the product/service launch to market with two applications located on the single platform:

• Idea Station
• Launch Station

Idea Station is a DataStation application specially structured to collect ideas and provide their smooth flow through several phases which lead to creation of new projects, products and services. Its features allow processing of the great number of ideas, evaluation and selection of the most promising ones with realistic opportunities for commercialization.

Launch Station is a tool that facilitates the development of new products and/or services allowing its users to keep track of the innovation project portfolio, from concept to the launch on the market. It involves all relevant stakeholders in the process, such as decision makers, project leaders and managers, team members, etc. whose work is efficiently streamlined using the Launch Station.

Upon initial log in to the platform, each participant will be obliged to sign General Confidentiality Agreement and Terms and Conditions to protect the sensitivity of the data and activities performed in University online environment.

UKG INNO platform -

UNS INNO platform -

UZ INNO platform -

UBL INNO platform -

UM INNO platform -