Capacity building trainings of university staff

Capacity building training at Hamburg University of Technology 
Representatives of WBC universities visited the Hamburg University of Technology. They participated in the three-day training organized from 05th until 07th March 2014.  

Capacity building training at Centre for Social Innovation in Vienna 
The members of WBCInno project team participated in the Training for Trainers at the Centre for Social Innovations in Vienna, within the activity 2.6.1. Capacity building trainings of university staff. 

Capacity building training at Graz University of Technology 
Within activity 2.6 Capacity building trainings of university staff, the members of five WBC universities participated in the Training for Trainers. The Training was organized as a three-day event at the Graz University of Technology, from 4th until 6th February 2014. 

Capacity building training at University of Brighton 
Within activity 2.6 Capacity building trainings of university staff, the members of WBCInno project team participated in the Training for Trainers. The Training was organized as a three-day event at the University of Brighton, UK, from 20th until 22thJanuary 2014. 

Capacity building training at University of Alicante 
The University of Alicante organized a three-day Capacity Building Training in the period from 20th to 22nd November 2013. Seven members of project teams from 5 WBC universities took part in this training (UKG, UNS, UBL, UZ and UM). The training program included three modules:

Module A - Intellectual Property Rights Management
Module B - Technology Transfer, special focus spin-off creation
Module C - Boosting research cooperation & participation in international projects

Capacity building training at TuTech Innovation GmbH in Hamburg 
Within activity 2.6 Capacity building trainings of university staff, the members of WBCInno project team participated in the Workshop “Creating Value from Knowledge an Introduction to Innovation Management for Researchers”. The Workshop was organized as two-day event at the TuTech Innovation GmbH in Hamburg, Germany, on 14th and 15th November 2013.