Forming of Regional Programme Committee

That members of the Regional Programme Committee for University Innovation Platform are:

1. Prof. Dr Vesna Mandic, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
2. Prof. Dr Jovanka Lukić, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
3. Nikola Ivkovic, Student Vice-Rector , University of Kragujevac, Serbia
4. Prof. Dr Goran Stojanovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
5. Prof. dr Vojin Šenk, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
6. Aleksandar Sofić, Student Vice-Rector, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
7. Prof. Dr Darko Petkovic, University of Zenica, Bosnia&Herzegovina
8. Prof. dr. Malik Čabaravdić, University of Zenica, Bosnia&Herzegovina
9. Dino Tihić, University of Zenica, Bosnia&Herzegovina
10. Prof. Dr Petar Maric, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia&Herzegovina
11. Prof. Dr Zoran Djuric, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia&Herzegovina
12. Ana Bojanic, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia&Herzegovina
13. Prof. Dr Mileta Janjic, University of Montenegro, Montenegro
14. Prof. Dr. Vladimir Jacimovic, University of Montenegro, Montenegro
15. Luka Grubisa, University of Montenegro, Montenegro

Decision on the Forming of WBCInno Regional Programme Committee for UIP
ToR Students
ToR Academic Staff

Meetings of the Regional Program Committees

During the second day on 9th May 2014, in the first session, two meetings were organized: meetings of the Regional Program Committees for the University Innovation Platform and for Development of Business Incubators and Science and Technology Parks. During the first meeting, the members of UIP Committee discussed about the innovation potential of the WBC universities, weakness and strengths, as well as the set of UIP recommendations that needs to be applied in order to facilitate the development of innovative culture in WBC universities. During the discussion, the special focus was on development of the collaborative software platform for innovation management, and short presentation of its main functions by the representative of Intranea Solutions that developed this platform. The main topic of the BI/STP Regional Committee was the set of measures recommended within the D3.2 Strategic Development Plan for BIs/STPs  in WBC Region. The Committee members discussed the action plan and proposed set of indicators for following the progress in this area.

List of participants - Steering Committee Meeting

Meeting of regional UIP and BI/STP committees held in Novi Sad

The meeting of the members of two Regional Committees (UIP and BI/STP) on the WBCInno project was organized on October 22, 2014, at the University of Novi Sad. The main topic of the meeting was development of the methodology for Competition for the best student idea. The purpose was to define the set of activities for the successful organization of the Competition and the criteria to be applied for the selection of ideas. The first working version of the Methodology was produced during the meeting, which will be upgraded and updated in order to prepare and lead efficiently the Competition through all its stages.

List of participants