Development strategy for BISTP

D3.2 Strategic Development Plan for Business Incubators and Science and Technology Parks in Western Balkan Region

Strategic Development Plan for Business Incubators and Science and Technology Parks in Western Balkan Region

Following the European and world trends in modernization of universities, one of the strategic steps is to transform the university from merely educational institution to “entrepreneurial” universities. The most successful mechanism is to incubate the ideas coming from university staff, researchers and students in business incubators and science and technology parks. This is why it is of great importance for the WBCInno project to support their development through elaboration of the Strategic Development Plan for Business Incubators and Science and Technology Park in Western Balkans Region.

The Plan is based on EU good practice and trends as well as the current state identified in the three Western Balkan countries participating in the project (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro). According to this, it suggests ten strategic measures that could promote development of these structures in the Region:

  1. Improvement of organisational and financial framework of BIs/STPs
  2. Infrastructure development that suited to meeting start-up and spin-off needs
  3. Application of ICT tools and e-cloud platforms for improved communication and innovation management
  4. Improvement of services for tenants of BIs/STPs
  5. Application of new incubation models – virtual business incubators,
  6. Establishment of creative and entrepreneurial framework with schools and universities
  7. Creation of mechanisms and structures for high-tech innovations in cooperation with universities and research centres,
  8. Organisation of competitions and awards for best business plans, best student’s/researcher’s ideas
  9. Improving visibility, promotion and internationalization of BIs/STPs for their sustainable development
  10. Networking among BIs and with STPs and universities on local, regional and EU level.

The recommended strategic measures are followed by the general recommendation and suggested next steps for implementation of Strategic Development Plan through institutional support. This sections gives the preview of relevant institutions in three WBC countries that could provide the support in this area as well as the Action Plan for implementation of recommended strategic measures with initial proposal of timeline, estimation of expected results/impact and proposed efficiency indicators.

Implementation of SDP4BISTP - Efficiency indicators by BIs (Consolidated) v2